

Before Brasilia was “built” in 1956 and prior to Rio becoming the mecca for tourists lured in by samba, small swimsuits, and crystalline waters--the capital city of Brazil was Salvador.

As the seat of government in the state of Bahia, Salvador is known for cobblestone streets and a thriving Afro-Brazilian culture that will leave any visitor dancing until dawn and doing the classic Wallet? Keys? Phone? drill at the end of the night.  While Coloradans are bar-hopping in parkas comparing goggle tan lines, Baianos are enjoying sunset-infused Axé rhythms and effortlessly deepening their Havaianas tan. Jealousy isn’t a good look on anyone (and honestly neither is a goggle tan) but to rub it in, the King of Pop came to Salvador in ‘96, and we all know he set the bar pretty high for anyone on the dance floor. Once here, you’ll understand why the local’s greet you with a, “Sorria, você está na Bahia!” (Smile, you’re in Bahia).     

Ralph Alvarez